Real Artists Don’T Starve Book

You Don't Have to Starve to Be an Artist – Artistica Fine Art

The Real Artists Don’t Starve Book: A Guide to Surviving as an Artist in the Modern World

I’ve always loved art. Ever since I was a child, I would spend hours drawing, painting, and creating anything I could get my hands on. As I got older, my passion for art only grew. I knew that I wanted to be an artist and make a living from my work. However, I also knew that being an artist was not easy. There are many challenges that artists face, both financial and creative. “The Real Artists Don’t Starve” by Jeff Goins is a book that has helped me navigate these challenges and find success as an artist.

In the Real Artists Don’t Starve, Jeff Goins shares his insights on what it takes to be a successful artist in the modern world. He covers topics such as how to find your niche, build a brand, and market your work. He also provides practical advice on how to deal with the financial and emotional challenges of being an artist.

Understanding the Modern Art Market

The modern art market is very different from the art market of the past. In the past, artists relied on galleries and collectors to sell their work. However, today, artists have many more options for selling their work directly to consumers. Thanks to the internet, artists can now sell their work through online marketplaces like Etsy and Amazon Handmade.

The modern art market is also more competitive than the art market of the past. There are more artists than ever before, and all of them are competing for the attention of potential buyers. This means that artists need to be more creative in their marketing and find ways to stand out from the crowd.

Tips for Success as an Artist

Jeff Goins offers a number of tips for success as an artist in the modern world. These tips include:

  • Finding your niche. What type of art do you create? Who is your target audience? Once you know your niche, you can focus your marketing efforts on reaching the people who are most likely to be interested in your work.
  • Building a brand. Your brand is how you present yourself to the world. It includes your name, logo, and overall aesthetic. Your brand should be consistent across all of your marketing materials.
  • Marketing your work. There are many different ways to market your work. Utilize social media, email marketing, and online advertising.
  • Dealing with the financial challenges of being an artist. Being an artist can be a financially challenging career. However, there are a number of things you can do to increase your income, such as selling your work online, teaching workshops, and taking on freelance projects.
  • Dealing with the emotional challenges of being an artist. Being an artist can be an emotionally challenging career. There will be times when you feel discouraged, frustrated, and lonely. However, it is important to remember that you are not alone.

Expert Advice

In addition to Jeff Goins’ tips, I have also gathered advice from other successful artists. This advice includes:

  • Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is a part of the creative process. The more you fail, the more you will learn and grow as an artist.
  • Don’t give up on your dreams. No matter how hard things get, never give up on your dreams of being an artist.
  • Be persistent. Success as an artist takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Keep working hard and eventually you will achieve your goals.
  • Be open to new opportunities. There are many different ways to make a living as an artist. Be open to new opportunities and don’t be afraid to try new things.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. The people you surround yourself with have a big impact on your success. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and your work.


  1. What is the most important thing for an artist to have? Passion. If you don’t have a passion for art, it will be very difficult to succeed as an artist.
  2. How can I find my niche as an artist? Explore different types of art and find what you enjoy creating the most. Once you find your niche, you can focus your marketing efforts on reaching the people who are most likely to be interested in your work.
  3. How can I build a brand as an artist? Your brand is how you present yourself to the world. It includes your name, logo, and overall aesthetic. Your brand should be consistent across all of your marketing materials.
  4. How can I market my work as an artist? There are many different ways to market your work. Utilize social media, email marketing, and online advertising.
  5. How can I deal with the financial challenges of being an artist? Being an artist can be a financially challenging career. However, there are a number of things you can do to increase your income, such as selling your work online, teaching workshops, and taking on freelance projects.


Being an artist in the modern world is not easy, but it is possible to succeed. If you are passionate about art and are willing to work hard, you can achieve your dreams.

Are you interested in learning more about the Real Artists Don’t Starve? Check out Jeff Goins’ website at [website address].

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